Tuesday, November 9, 2010


As I sit here on this perfectly dreary Fall day, I’m thinking of the seasons of our lives. Last
night during Collective, as different people prayed, you could tell what kind of season each was in. Some prayed for others to be given new dreams, some prayed for a revival in all aspects of their lives, some stood quietly, and others prayed for growth. With each season in life comes a responsibility to that season.

Spring is a time of new vision, dreams and birthing. We all feel good when we have a new idea - everyone loves the new. Dreaming is the easy part, though. After the initial dream/idea, we have to begin planning/implementing. God doesn’t give us seeds so we can hold them in our hands. He gives us seeds to plant. But without consideration of location, amount of water and sunlight, etc., we don’t give our seeds much of a chance to germinate.

Summer is a time for building, growing and nurturing. It is a time for putting in the hard work to weed out parts of your dream that aren’t working, and strengthen the parts that are. It is also a time to watch out for dangers/distractions that could cause disruption in the growth. In Summer, it is important to continue to water as your concepts become realities. Remember that even though you may start seeing results, this is no time to back off. Never stop evaluating, cultivating, nurturing and preparing for…

Fall is the big show! It is the season when you see your dreams fulfilled. You’ve worked so hard, and now you can enjoy the spoils. This season usually starts with a bang and then normalizes. There are really only a few weeks to enjoy the gorgeous color and nip in the air that is Autumn. The challenge in this season is to understand that the leaves in full color soon fall to the ground and the crisp air soon turns to cold.  We should celebrate and relish in our accomplishment but understand that we cannot live there...

Winter can be a very difficult time for a lot of people. While it should be considered a time of rest, a lot people view it as a season of death. If we’re not careful, past failures and insecurities become our focus, and we miss the opportunity to slow down. If you’re experiencing this season now, I suggest you take advantage of it. God may have given you this as a gift to regroup, evaluate, or just simply rest in Him. This is the most important time to remember that you’re in a season, not in a permanent state.

No matter what season you find yourself in, remember that you have a responsibility with each one. I believe you can be prosperous with each season you’re given. Psalm 1:3 NLT “They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” If you draw close to God in each season you’ll find His presence makes each one more fulfilling. If you find yourself frustrated, lean on Him, don’t rush ahead of Him. God has perfect timing, if we trust it, we will enjoy each season more.

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