Friday, January 21, 2011


John 4:23 MSG
...“the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship."

I love it!  God wants you, the real you.  He wants you, in all your strengths and weaknesses. He wants your imperfections, your quirkiness, your whole heart!  

Some of my most memorable times of leading worship have been when I've forgotten the words to the song or I've said something semi-funny to get people to laugh (usually at me).  They're memorable not because I was embarrassed, but because it reminded me I don't have to be perfect - hey, it's not about me anyway!!!  

Don't get me wrong, I want our worship services to be the best thing going every week, but I'll take genuine worship (albiet full of technical errors) over 'well-rehearsed' (but that's about it) any day.  We should always bring our best before God...mix that with a genuine desire to touch heaven and you've got the makings of a great worship experience-even if it's full of mistakes!

Don't hold back in your worship because you don't feel adequate.  God knows we don't have it all together; we wouldn't need Him if we did.  Take the focus off of your insecurities, mistakes and short-comings and focus on His merciful, unfailing love.  Determine to give Him your best effort in worship and watch Him move like never before!

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