Friday, April 15, 2011

A New Chapter...

So much has happened since my last post.  I wish I had written down all of my thoughts along the way...should've, could've....

January was supposed to bring an automatic dose of vision but I felt I had missed it.  I continued on, praying that God would give me the new vision I was looking for.  Our worship services were going really well, but I started realizing it was time for me to stop carrying the services and push others on our team into the deep end.  After all, raising worship leaders is a pretty important part of my job.

One Mid-February Sunday morning, I felt God say it was time to prepare the worship team to thrive in my absence.  That same morning I asked the team to stay alert at all times during the service.  That I wanted ALL of them to start thinking like I wasn't there and that they were in charge.   

Before I move on, I want to say this...there's always a story within the story.  One of my dreams was to travel and speak to other worship teams but whenever I would pray about it I could feel God saying, not yet.  Over the years I have come to realize that God gives us the desires of our hearts when we're ready for the responsibility that comes with them.   We have to believe that God is not holding us back but preparing us.  Above all, we have to trust him.  God's timing is perfect.

Two days later Ps Dean and I had a rather unexpected conversation.  Ps Jeff and Sunny Kane had become the campus pastors of C3 Milton and were taking it to the next level.  Ps Dean presented the idea of running the women's ministry as Ps Sunny would be giving more focus to C3 Milton.   Needless to say, I did not see that coming.  What did I know about being a women's minister? Seemingly, nothing.  How did this line up with my dream of traveling and speaking?  Seemingly, it didn't.  Honored and a little puzzled by the path being laid before me , I accepted the new charge.

I'd be lying if I said I felt completely confident after our conversation...I'd be lying if I said I didn't shed a few tears.  I had no idea what my life would look like with this new addition but I knew it I would be stretched - I felt it almost instantly.  Sometimes in order to move forward in life, we have to give up the things that make us feel comfortable. 

God has started filling me with more vision than I can take in (for both departments).  I feel an anointing I didn't have before.  The filter I used to see through has been removed and undeveloped gifts are now being activated in me.  I am completely thrilled about what lies ahead for myself and the gorgeous women I have the honor of serving.

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